Spring sale is here – check out >SALE<


You normally meet us in

Wake sport park Česká Lípa

Pískovna Litoměřická,
47001 Česká Lípa - Dubice

You can try our products at >sales points<

Showroom Litoměřice

Karolíny Světlé 1791/3
41201 Litoměřice

Is our place where we create products, store them and you can try them on. But we need to make arrangements, because we are not here all the time. Use the contact below.

Contact and company registered address

BejkRoll s.r.o.

Dandova 2619/13
193 00 Praha 9 - Horní Počernice

Tel: +420 732145886
Email: info@bejkroll.com

IČ: 24162680

DIČ: CZ24162680

Goods return by 60 days

If you have not chosen correctly, we offer you the option to return the goods within 60 days of receipt.

Own development and design

Our products are the result of our own design, development and testing. We want you to enjoy your time on the water!